MCQs For NCERT Class 10 Science Chapter 14 Sources of Energy

MCQs Class 10

Please refer to the MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 14 Sources of Energy with Answers. The following Sources of Energy Class 10 Science MCQ Questions have been designed based on the current academic year syllabus and examination guidelines for Class 10. Our faculty has designed MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science with Answers for all chapters as per your NCERT Class 10 Science book.

Sources of Energy Class 10 MCQ Questions with Answers

Please see below Sources of Energy Class 10 Science MCQ Questions, solve the questions and compare your answers with the solutions provided below.

Question. A good fuel is one which possesses :     
(a) high calorific value and low ignition temperature
(b) high calorific value and high ignition temperature
(c) high calorific value and moderate ignition temperature
(d) low calorific value and moderate ignition tempeature



Question. The fuel having a calorific value of 55 kJ/g is likely to be :     
(a) biogas
(b) methane gas
(c) hydrogen gas
(d) natural gas



Question. What is the use of glass sheet cover in solar heating device?
(a) Cook food
(b) Preserve vessel
(c) Trap heat
(d) Work as cover.



Question. Why are the inner walls and bottom of the box-type solar cookers painted black?
(a) Preserve food
(b) gives colour
(c) absorb heat
(d) rust proof



Question. In a hydroelectric power plant more electrical power can be generated if water falls from a greater height because:
(a) its temperature increases.
(b) larger amount of potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.
(c) the electricity content water increases with height.
(d) more water molecules dissociate into ions.



Question. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?
(a) Oxygen
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Ozone
(d) Methane



Question. Hydro-power Plants convert the potential energy of falling water into
(a) Geothermal energy
(b) Electricity
(c) Natural Gas
(d) atomic energy



Question. In the given flow chart of energy conversion during hydroelectric power generation, fill in the box with appropriate answer

MCQs For NCERT Class 10 Science Chapter 14 Sources of Energy

(a) Dynamo
(b) insulator
(c) semi-conductors
(d) Conductors



Question. A solar water heater cannot be used to get hot water on :
(a) A sunny day
(b) A cloudy day
(c) A hot day
(d) A windy day
Answer : (b) A cloudy day

Question. Which of the following statement is false ?
(a) Biomass is derived from charcoal.
(b) In the presence of oxygen, biomass undergoes decomposition to form bio gas.
(c) Wind energy converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
(d) Solar radiations are converted into electricity called solar energy.
Answer : (b) In the presence of oxygen, biomass undergoes decomposition to form bio gas.

Question. Carbon monoxide is an example of ________ .
(a) Primary pollutant
(b) Secondary pollutant
(c) Biodegradable pollutant
(d) Non – Biodegradable pollutant
Answer : (a) Primary pollutant

Question. Most of the sources of energy we use represent stored solar energy. Which of the following is not ultimately derived from the Sun’s energy ?
(a) Geothermal energy
(b) Wind energy
(c) Nuclear energy
(d) Biomass
Answer : (c) Nuclear energy

Question. An uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction forms the basis of :
(a) Thermal power plant
(b) Atom bomb
(c) Hydrogen bomb
(d) Nuclear power plant
Answer : (b) Atom bomb

Question. Which of the following is not an example of a biomass energy source ?
(a) Wood
(b) Gobar gas
(c) Nuclear energy
(d) Coal
Answer : (c) Nuclear energy

Question. Which of the following can undergo nuclear fusion reaction ?
(a) Carbon
(b) Uranium
(c) Deuterium
(d) Krypton
Answer : (c) Deuterium

Question. The radiations present in sunlight which make a solar cooker work are :
(a) Ultra violet rays
(b) Radio waves
(c) Infrared rays
(d) X-rays
Answer : (c) Infrared rays

Question. The inhalation of fumes and obnoxious smoke from coal mines causes which type of disease ?
(a) Pulmonary disease
(b) Coronary artery disease
(c) Hepatitis
(d) Liver cancer
Answer : (a) Pulmonary disease

Question. The type of energy which has not been controlled so far is :
(a) Geothermal energy
(b) Ocean thermal energy
(c) Nuclear fusion energy
(d) Nuclear fission energy
Answer : (c) Nuclear fusion energy

Question. Name the device that converts the kinetic energy of flowing water into mechanical energy
(a) Turbine
(b) Metals
(c) insulator
(d) semi-conductors



Question. In a hydro power plant
(a) potential energy possessed by stored water is converted into electricity.
(b) kinetic energy possessed by stored water is converted into potential energy.
(c) electricity is extracted from water.
(d) water is converted into steam to produce electricity.



Question. How many forms of fossil fuels are there?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four



Question. The main constituent of biogas is
(a) Methane
(b) carbon dioxide
(c) hydrogen
(d) hydrogen sulphide



Question. There are four fuels which all contain only carbon and hydrogen. The fuel having highest calorific value will be one which has :   
(a) more of carbon but less of hydrgogn
(b) less of carbon but more of hydrogen
(c) equal proportions of carbon and hydrogen
(d) less of carbon as well as less of hydrogen



Question. One of the following is not a characteristic of a good fuel. This is :     
(a) high calorific value
(b) no emission of smoke
(c) smooth burning
(d) high ignition temperature



Question. The aviation fuel which is used in the engines of jet aeroplanes is :   
(a) diesel
(b) kerosene
(c) petrol
(d) CNG



Question. The ultimate source of energy stored in fossil fuels is :     
(a) moon
(b) earth
(c) sun
(d) sea



Question. One of the following does not contribute to acid rain. That is :     
(a) nitrogen monoxide
(b) sulphur dioxide
(c) carbon monoxide
(d) carbon dioxidZ



Question. A solar water heater cannot be used to get hot water on :     
(a) a sunny day
(b) a cloudy day
(c) a hot day
(d) a windy day



Question. The value of solar constant is :     
(a) 1.4 kWh
(b) 1.4 kW/m
(c) 1.4 kW/m2
(d) 1.4 kW/m3



Question. The radiations present in sunlight which make a solar cooker work are :   
(a) visible light rays
(b) ultraviolet rays
(c) cosmic rays
(d) infrared rays



Question. Which of the following is not an example of a biomass energy source ?   
(a) wood
(b) biogas
(c) atomic energy
(d) cow-dung



Question. Most of the sources of energy that we use represent stored solar energy. Which of the following is not ultimately derived from the sun’s energy ?     
(a) wind energy
(b) geothermal energy
(c) fossil fuels
(d) biomass



Question. One of the following is not required in the formation of biogas in a biogas plant. This is :     
(a) cow-dung
(b) water
(c) oxygen
(d) anaerobic bacteria



Question. The fuel which is not obtained from biomass is :   
(a) firewood
(b) cow-dung cakes
(c) coke
(d) charcoal



Question. The non-renewable source of energy among the following is :   
(a) hydroelectricity 
(b) sewage gas
(c) natural gas
(d) gobar gas



Question. Which of the following is not a consequence of establishing hydroelectric power plants ?     
(a) displacement of people
(b) production of methane
(c) occurrence of floods
(d) ecological disturbance



Question. Radiations which are harmful to the living organisms are
(a) Infrared radiation.
(b) Ultraviolet radiations
(c) Visible radiation
(d) micro waves



Question. Choose the incorrect statement regarding wind power:
(a) It is expected to harness wind power to minimum in open space.
(b) The potential energy content of wind blowing at high altitudes is the source of wind power.
(c) Wind hitting at the blades of a windmill causes them to rotate. The rotation thus achieved can be utilized further
(d) One possible method of utilizing the energy of rotational motion of the blades of a windmill is to run the turbine of an electric generator



Question. Advantage of wind energy:
(a) Renewable
(b) Inexhaustible
(c) pollution free/no residue
(d) all the above



Question. Minimum wind speed required for moving turbines is: Minimum wind speed required for moving turbines is:
(a) >24 Km/h
(b) >15 Km/h
(c) >12 Km/h
(d) >9 Km/h



Question. Trapped heat inside the earth is known as_______
(a) Heat energy
(b) Kinetic energy
(c) Geothermal energy
(d) Thermal energy



Question. Major problem in harnessing nuclear energy is to
(a) Split heavy nucleus
(b) sustain nuclear reactions
(c) Convert nuclear energy into electricity
(d) dispose of nuclear waste



Question. Ocean thermal energy is due to
(a) energy stored by waves in the ocean
(b) temperature difference at different levels in the ocean
(c) pressure difference at different levels in the ocean
(d) tides arising out in the ocean



Question. What is the maximum temperature attainable in case of box type solar cooker?
(a) 500F to 1000 F
(b) 100 F to 250 F
(c) 150 F to 400F
(d) 300 F to 500 F



Question. A solar cooker may not cook food if
(a) Interior of the box and the container of food are perfectly shining.
(b) Glass sheet over the box is not closed.
(c) Solar cooker is placed in the shade.
(d) All the above



Question. Choose the incorrect statement:
(a) We are encouraged to plant more trees so as to ensure clean environment and also provide biomass fuel.
(b) Gobar-gas is produced when crops, vegetable wastes etc., decompose in the absence of oxygen.
(c) The main ingredient of bio-gas is ethane and it gives a lot of smoke and also produces a lot of residual ash
(d) Bio-mass is a renewable source of energy



Question. The most nuclear fuel used in the world is__________
(a) Thorium – 232
(b) Uranium – 238
(c) Uranium – 235
(d) Plutonium – 239



Question. What kind of energy is possessed by water stored in dams?
(a) Kinetic energy
(b) Potential energy
(c) Mechanical energy
(d) Wind energy



Question. Solar cells are made of
(a) Metals
(b) insulator
(c) semi-conductors
(d) none of these



Question. In hydroelectricity power____________
(a) Kinetic energy is transferred to potential
(b) Potential energy is transferred to kinetic
(c) Solar energy is transferred to wind energy
(d) Wind energy is transferred to solar energy



Question. Acid rain happens because:
(a) sun leads to heating of upper layer of atmosphere.
(b) burning of fossil fuels release oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur in the atmosphere.
(c) electrical charges are produced due to friction amongst clouds. earth atmosphere contains acids.
(d) earth atmosphere contains acids.



Question. Energy in the form of heat and light is obtained by________
(a) Biomass
(b) Fossil fuels
(c) Sun
(d) Wind



Question. Choose the correct statement:
(a) Sun can be taken as an inexhaustible source of energy.
(b) There is infinite storage of fossil fuel inside the earth
(c) Hydro and wind energy plants are non-polluting sources of energy
(d) Waste from a nuclear power plant can be easily disposed of



Question. Which is the ultimate source of energy?
(a) Water
(b) Sun
(c) uranium
(d) fossil fuels



Question. Which of the following is not correct about the construction of solar cookers or solar heaters?
(a) Black surface absorb more heat as compared to white objects.
(b) Spherical reflecting surfaces can be utilized to concentrate solar energy.
(c) Covering with a glass plate cause increase in temperature by green house effect.
(d) Black surface do not absorb any heat.



Question. Which of the following is used as a moderator in the reactor of a nuclear power station ?     
(a) liquid sodium
(b) boron
(c) graphite
(d) carbon dioxide



Question. The control rods used in the reactor of a nuclear power plant are made of :     
(a) steel
(b) graphite
(c) uranium
(d) boron



Question. The ‘coolants’ which can be used in the reactor of a nuclear power station are :     
(a) liquid mercury and nitrogen dioxide
(b) liquid sodium and carbon dioxide
(c) liquid ammonia and carbon monoxide
(d) liquid boron and uranium oxide.



Question. In a nuclear power plant, coolant is a substance :     
(a) which cools the hot, spent steam to condense it back to water
(b) which transfers heat from reactor to water in heat exchanger
(c) which is boiled to make steam to turn the turbine
(d) which cools the generator coils to prevent their overheating.



Question. Which of the following can be produced during the nuclear fission as well as nuclear fusion reactions ?     
(a) protons
(b) deutrons
(c) electrons
(d) neutrons



Question. Nuclear fission reactions are not a source of energy for one of the following. This is :     
(a) atom bomb
(b) power plants
(c) sun
(d) pacemaker



Fill in the following blanks with suitable words :
A solar cell converts………….energy into…………….energy.   


sunlight ; electrical

Domestic gas cylinders like Indane contain mainly…………   



Question. Biomass is another form in which ………. energy manifests itself. 



Question. Tidal waves build up and recede………….. a day.   



Question. The natural gas consists mainly of ……………



Question. ……………. energy is the heat energy from hot rocks present inside the earth.



Question. The minimum speed of wind necessary for working of a wind generator is …………..


15 km/h.

Question. Splitting of a heavy nucleus into two lighter nuclei is called………….         


    nuclear fission

Question. Which of the two is a cleaner fuel : hydrogen or CNG ? Why ?



Question. Which of the two is more energy efficient : filament type electric bulb or CFL ? Why ?



Question. Name two devices which can be utilised for the cooking of food so as to save fuel .


Solar cooker ; Pressure cooker

Question. What name is given to the heat energy obtained from hot rocks inside the earth ?


Geothermal energy

Question. Name the agent which decomposes animal dung into biogas.


Anaerobic bacteria

Question. What type of nuclear reaction is responsible for the liberation of energy :
(a) in a nuclear reactor ?
(b) in the sun ?


(a) Nuclear fission (b) Nuclear fusion

Question. Which product of the nuclear fission of uranium-235 is utilised to cause further fission of its nuclei ?



Match the following
Column I                                              Column II
(a) Rise of sea water                          (i) Geothermal energy
(b) Sea-wave energy                         (ii) Solar energy
(c) Energy form earth’s crust           (iii) Tidal energy
(d) Energy obtained from sum         (iv) Wane energy

Answer :

(a) (iii), (b) (iv), (c) (i), (d) (ii).

Assertion and Reasoning Based Questions

Directions : In the following questions, a statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason. Mark the correct choice as :
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is true, but reason is false.
(d) If assertion is false but reason is true.

Question. Assertion : Heavy water and Graphite Rod are used as moderators in nuclear reactor.
Reason : It decelerates the fast-moving neutrons to control the chain reaction in the reactor.



Question. Assertion : The efficiency of solar heating devices is much higher than the efficiency of electric heating devices.
Reason : The element which can be used to make solar cells is silicon.



Question. Assertion : Burning of fossil fuel has more advantages since it gives a lot of energy.
Reason : Results in the scarcity of fossil fuels and increased pollution levels.



Question. Assertion : In a solar water heater, the outer surface of the copper pipe is painted in black which is fixed in the form of a coil in a box.
Reason : Bending copper pipe as a coil helps to increase the surface area for heating.



Question. Assertion : Storage of water in reservoirs for hydropower plants cause socioeconomic problems.
Reason : Rotting of vegetation under anaerobic conditions causes harmful greenhouse methane gas



Creating Based Questions

Question.. You are working in a thermal power plant and there are entire unit is facing problems regarding transmission losses. What will you do ?
Answer. While working in a thermal power station efficiency is the main key point to be taken care continuously as lesser efficiency means wastage of fuel which is fossil fuel. So, high voltage is to be employed for transmission. By increasing voltage; current will subsequently decrease and I2R losses decreases and helping in reducing losses.

Question.. Using the following information form a pathway showing the flow of wind energy as nonconventional sources of energy. And also include information that is not mentioned below to complete it. wind energy, power, maximum, constant, pollution, constant, fuels.
Answer : Wind energy is the process by which wind is → used to produce electricity. As the wind increases, output of the → power increases up to the maximum → output of the particular turbine. Wind farms prefer areas, where → winds are stronger and constant. These are located at → high altitudes. Wind turbines uses → wind to make electricity. There is no pollution because → no fossil fuels are burnt to generate electricity.

Question.. You took your small kid to a dam for a picnic. There he observed some blades below the dam, and he is asking about those blades. What will you explain ?
Answer. Dam is constructed for hydro-electric power stations. Those blades are actually turbine blades. the potential energy of the water which is stored with the help of dam falls on the turbine when gates get open, and which in turn rotates the blades of the turbine which is coupled to the generator shaft. This is how electricity is produced.

Question.. Using the following information form a pathway showing the flow of thermal power plant. And also include information that is not mentioned below to complete it. Thermal plant, power station, fuels, water, steam, turbine, coal.
Answer : In thermal power plant the → power stations burn a → large number of fossil fuels to heat up water, to produce steam, which further runs the turbine to → generate electricity. Transmission of electricity is → more efficient than, transporting petroleum or coal over the same distance. It is called the thermal power plant because → fuel is burnt to produce heat energy and also it is converted into → electrical energy.

Question. A country has an immense number of hot spots as its geographical conditions are favouring such kind of hot spots. Which type of power generation should be preferred ?
Answer : Preferred power generation will be geothermal energy. The energy from the hot spots is utilised by the water coming in contact to increase its temperature and it generates steam. The steam trapped by the rocks is routed through pipes to a turbine to produce power. Cost of production is very less as there are very less viable sites like these all over the world.

Paragraph/Table and Case Study Based Questions

1. Answer question numbers 1(a) to 1(d) on the basis of your understanding of the following paragraph and the related studies concepts.
The Tehri dam is the highest dam in India and one of the highest in the World. The Tehri dam withholds a reservoir of capacity 4.0 km3 and surface area 52 km2.
It is used for irrigation, municipal water supply and the generation of 1000 MW of hydroelectricity.
The Tehri dam has been the object of protests. Environment activist Shri Sunder Lal Bahuguna led the “Anti Tehri Dam Movement” from 1980s to 2014.
The protest was against the displacement of town inhabitants and environmental consequences of the  weak ecosystem. The relocation of more than 1,00,000 people from the area has led to protracted legal battles over resettlement rights and ultimately resulted in the delayed completion of the project.
(a) How is hydropower harnessed ?
(b) Define 1 MW.
(c) Mention two disadvantages of constructing Tehri Dam.
(d) What happens when water from great heights is made to fall on blades of turbine ?
Answer : (a) Hydro power plants convert the potential energy of water stored at great heights to kinetic energy of flowing water at high speed, then into electricity.
(b) A megawatt is a unit for measuring power that is equivalent to one million watts. Megawatts are used to measure the output of a power plant or the amount of electricity (energy in per second) required by an entire city. One megawatt (MW) = 1,000 kilowatts = 1,000,000 watts.
(c) Major disadvantages of constructing dams are :
(i) People living in Tehri were relocated. They lost their farms and businesses.
(ii) The building of large dams can cause serious geological damage.
(b) When water from great height is made to fall on turbine it spins the motor of an electricity generator and creates a magnetic field that induces an electric current.

2. Read the following paragraph and answers the following questions :
Solar water heater consists of an insulated metallic box which is painted black from inside and outside In this box copper tubes painted black from outside and fitted in a zig-zag shape. The box and copper tubes are painted black so that they may absorb maximum radiant heat energy of the sun efficiently. The box in covered with a glass sheet lid to trap sun rays by producing greenhouse effect. The two ends of copper tubes are joined to a water storage tank as shown in figure, The solar water heater and its water storage tank are fitted on the roof of a building so that they may absorb the maximum radiant heat energy of the sun.

(a) Why metallic box is painted black from outside ?
(b) What is meant by radiation here ?
(c) Why copper tubes are used here ?
(d) What is greenhouse effect ?
Answer :
(a) Because black colour is good absorber of heat.
(b) The solar energy received is called radiation.
(c) Because copper is good conductor of heat.
(d) The glass roof and glass walls of a greenhouse allow heat and sunlight to enter it but do not allow heat (infrared radiation) to escape on account of this greenhouse gets warmed.

3. The process of splitting a heavy nucleus into two comparatively lighter nuclei along with the release of large amount of energy when bombarded with a thermal neutron is called nucleon fission.
Nucleus fission of 92U235 when bombarded with a slow neutron (known as thermal neutron) is gives below :

The energy released per fission of 92U235 (an isotope of uranium) is about 200 MeV.

Question. In an atomic bomb, the energy is released due to :
(i) Chain reaction of neutrons and 92U235
(ii) Chain reaction of neutrons and 92U238
(iii) Chain reaction of neutrons and 92P240
(iv) Chain reaction of neutrons and 92U236



Question. aahen 92U235 is bombarded with one neutron, the fission occurs and the products are three neutrons, 36Kr94 and
(i) 53I142
(ii) 56Ba139
(iii) 58P139
(iv) 54U139



Question. What are thermal neutrons in the context of nuclear fission ?


Low energy (i.e., slow moving) neutrons with energy of the order of 0.025 eV.

Question. Which is most abundant isotope of uranium ?


Uranium — 238

4. Calorific value of a fuel is defined as the amount of heat energy released in joule or kilojoule by the complete burning of 1 gram fuel.
Calorific values of different fuels are given below. 
Table—calorific value of some fuels

Question. What does ‘LPG’ stands for ?


LPG stands of ‘Liquid Petroleum Gas“

Question. Among the gaseous fuels, which fuel is ideal for burning ?



Question. Among the solid fuels, the least calorific value is of :
(i) Coal
(ii) Charcoal
(iii) Animal dung cake
(iv) Anthracite



Question. Gas used is vehicles is :
(i) LPG
(ii) CNG
(iii) Methane
(iv) Butane



5. The cost and security of energy and emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) and other pollutants from the existing means of energy production are two main problems that have led to many technological developments in alternative energy sources. Using biomass to produce energy is one such alternative that has recently become attractive worldwide as a clean and sustainable source of energy. Anaerobic digestion (AD) is one of the preferred technologies for treating organic municipal solid waste (MSW) for the production of biogas and methane, which can be used as alternative fuel to liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and natural gas.

Question. Fossil fuels are
(a) Non-renewable source of energy
(b) Renewable source of energy
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)



Question. Which of the following problem is associated with a burning of coal?
(a) Carbon-dioxide emission
(b) Acid rain
(c) Ash with toxic metal supurity
(d) All of these



Question. __________ is also called a biogas
(a) Biobutanol
(b) Biodiesel
(c) Bioethanol
(d) Biomethane



Question. Biogas is a better fuel than animal dung cake because
(a) Biogas has lower calorific value.
(b) Animal dung cake has high calorific value
(c) Biogas has high calorific value and leaves no residue
(d) Biogas is used as a fuel for cooking only whereas dung cake can be used for cooking, illuminant the lanterns.



Question. Which of the following organism produces biogas from cow drug sherry in the biogas plant?
(a) Aerobic bacteria
(b) Anaerobic bacteria
(c) Protozoa
(d) Fungi



6. Energy is the primary and most universal measure of all kinds work by human beings and nature.
Everything what happens the world is the expression of flow of energy in one of its forms. Energy is the major input to drive the life cycle and improve it. Energy consumption is closely related to the progress of the mankind. The conventional sources of energy are generally non-renewable sources of energy, which are being used since a long time. These sources of energy are being used extensively in such a way that their known reserves have been depleted to a great extent. The sources of energy which are being produced continuously in nature and are in exhaustible are called non-conventional energy (or) renewable sources of energy.

Question. In order to make efficient solar cooker, the cover of cooker box should be made of:
(a) Transparent plastic sheet
(b) Shining aluminium sheet
(c) Butter paper sheet
(d) Transparent glass



Question. The process by which energy is produced in the sun is
(a) Nuclear fission
(b) Nuclear fusion
(c) Both nuclear fusion and fission
(d) Combustion of hydrogen



Question. The rise of sea-water during high tide is caused by the gravitational pull of the:
(a) Sun
(b) Earth
(c) Moon
(d) Mars



Question. In a hydroelectric power plant more electrical power can be generated if water falls from a greater height because:
(a) Its temperature increases.
(b) Larger amount of potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.
(c) The electricity content water increases with height.
(d) More water molecules dissociate into ions.



Question. Greenhouse effect in solar cooker is due to:
(a) Mirror
(b) Glass plate
(c) Outer cover
(d) Coating with black colour



Sources of Energy Class 10 Science MCQ Questions